Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chanting OM, AH and HUM sound

Following post is by Master Chow

When we are born our 72,000 meridians are open up and functioned accordingly and efficiently. There is why the baby is serene and has a nice smell or fragrance oozing out from the body. The baby's body texture and skin are so smooth and beautiful. It is also soft and tender and nimble. 

As the baby grows up and is getting older, every day you find that two or more meridians began to close up. That is why we can not find an ugly girl in this world if she is 18 to 20 years old because the meridians are functioning efficiently.

As more and more meridians have closed up and not functioning, the person looks older and older each year. When we reach 50 years, all kinds of pain and aches will come along. Some of us are getting older much faster at younger age if we don't know how to take of our body and heart.
In order to activate and open the closed meridians, we need to chant the OM, or AH, or HUM sound every day, about 10 to 20 minutes in the morning and also before you sleep. And don't be too smart to chant all the sounds together. You need to practice it correctly to clear the blockages in your physical, emotional and mental body. Make sure that the vibration moves up from the base to the whole body and ends it on top of your head and out into the cosmic.
Not only it strengthens your immune system, it makes you look younger and also fortune will find it way to you. Good luck.

The Om sound which helps to open up 32 meridians to the crown chakra will help to open the space unlimited in your mind and enhance your wisdom.

The next mantra basic sound would be the 'AH' and the 'HUNG or HUM' sound. Using the same method of chanting the 'AH' sound by raising the vibration from the base chakra to the throat chakra, you can open the 16 meridians leading to the throat, You will find that you encounter less sickness and you will be become eloquent and you can speak and express more wisely; that means you will be become a good talker, a teacher who can propagate the dharma well and widely.

The Hung or Hum sound opens up 8 meridians to your heart chakra. When this is open up, you become compassion and have more loving-kindness . More joy and bliss will accompany you. You tend to be less dualistic when you look at things. You are more generous and helpful. In the case of having difficulties with someone or your boss in your company, if you send this Hung or Hum sound to them, and soon their attitude will change and will accept you more readily. This was taught to me by my master.