Thursday, July 26, 2012

Secret #6 - 手如抽丝, 步如猫行

手如抽丝, 步如猫行

Today master chow many the above 8 words to take note of when practicing Taiji

The feeling of the hand is like drawing the silk out of the cocoon. Slow and smooth. Another feeling to describe it is "Swimming in the air". You will practice to a stage whereby you can feel the resistance of the air as your hand/fingers move through the air.

The gracefulness of the cat in motion, so sure of its step. The way to practice this is back to the basic "differentiate the substantial and the in-substantial" (虚实分明)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Secret #5 - Relax (松) after every step

While doing the kata, you will notice that when you complete each step, your hand is actually "floating" and the body stiff. It is important that you relax (松) so that your hand does not "float" and the body is not stiff. Relax (松) the "kua", shoulder, elbow, waist.

Doing this also helps to bring your awareness back to you.

As Master Chow had mentioned, his master and the grand master and the great-grand master always had one word during Taiji practice, that is -