Monday, December 3, 2012




Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Secret #11 - Relax (松), Real and False

Relax (松 - sung), what you understand by this?

Master Chow had always try to drill into us, real sung (松) in Taiji is to relax - lengthen the tendon. This is exactly what Master Chow say. It is relaxing the tendon, not the muscle. It is the tendon that stores the "potential" energy for your body acting as the bow.

無根樹 - 張三豐

























Monday, November 26, 2012

Secret #10 - Keep your feet alive during pushing hand

We learned that when practicing Taiji, we need to differentiate the substantial and in-substantial (虚实分明). However, when we come to practice pushing hand, we always like to root out feet into the ground, giving us a sense of firmness.

Master Chow had explained to us during one of the session that rooting ourselves during pushing hand actually reduce our flexibility and restrict our reaction to opponent's force.

This require very quick changing of weight between the two legs, and at the same time, does not allow the chi to float up. (ie center of gravity remains low). All these can only be accomplished if you put in effort in the practicing the fundamentals.

Master Chow followup by demonstrating by moving a small step back or forward can bring absorb the opponent force or fa-jin. Timing is crucial, as a wrong timing means that you are giving the opponent the opening too. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Secret #9 - Let go the ego

Let go the EGO

What is the EGO, the ego in this case is "not to lose". This is the natural instinct to use force against force. This is the instinct that tells you not to let other take advantage of you, or not to be push into a disadvantage position.

In the progress in learning Taiji, the most difficult part to archive is to let go of my ego, and no, I had not reach that stage yet. You may think that you had let go, but sub-consciously you had not, because this is the natural body behavior. 

As Master Chow, and many other Taiji masters, had mentioned, learn to lose.
Lose your strength and lose your ego. When you lose them, your real strength will come.

Secret #8 - 吞, 吐, 浮, 沉

吞, 吐, 浮, 沉 (Swallow, Spit, Float, Sink)

Last Sunday while practicing, Master Chow commented that our stances/form had no "intend".
Every stance should have an "intend", and each stance, in different situation may have different intend(s).
I used the word "intend" because I do not know of another word to use.

There are four major different "intend"(s), 吞, 吐, 浮, 沉 (Swallow, Spit, Float, Sink).

吞 (Swallow) - Swallow your opponent force

吐 (Spit) - Spit out your force (fa-jin)

浮 (Float) - Llift your opponent chi (raise the CG). The defense before the offense.

沉 (Sink) - Sink your chi (heavy hand)

Points to note:
- The intend(s) are never tie to the stance. Same stance may have different intend depending on situation

- Intend flow from one intend to another seamlessly, as the stance changes from one to another, or as situation changes

- Even during practice, the intend in the stance must be clear

Friday, September 21, 2012

Secret #7 - Fulcrum Point in Taiji

This week, Master Chow was talking about Fulcrum point in Taiji.

A fulcrum point is a fixed support point about which a lever pivots.
So how does this apply in Taiji.

Master Chow said that in Taiji, the fulcrum pt changes from stance to stance. Eg when 腿 the fulcrum is the front leg. When sit back, the fulcrum is the back leg. Even on the hand, the fulcrum can be at the wraist, elbow or shoulder etc depending on situation. 

Knowing the fulcrum point is not enough, the more important thing is that fulcrum is a FIXED (定) point. And the 腿 should happen only after the front leg is 定. By doing this, the chi will not be dissipated and focus in the proper direction.

When practising Taiji, be aware where is the fulcrum when changing stances and make sure the fulcrum point does not move.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chanting OM, AH and HUM sound

Following post is by Master Chow

When we are born our 72,000 meridians are open up and functioned accordingly and efficiently. There is why the baby is serene and has a nice smell or fragrance oozing out from the body. The baby's body texture and skin are so smooth and beautiful. It is also soft and tender and nimble. 

As the baby grows up and is getting older, every day you find that two or more meridians began to close up. That is why we can not find an ugly girl in this world if she is 18 to 20 years old because the meridians are functioning efficiently.

As more and more meridians have closed up and not functioning, the person looks older and older each year. When we reach 50 years, all kinds of pain and aches will come along. Some of us are getting older much faster at younger age if we don't know how to take of our body and heart.
In order to activate and open the closed meridians, we need to chant the OM, or AH, or HUM sound every day, about 10 to 20 minutes in the morning and also before you sleep. And don't be too smart to chant all the sounds together. You need to practice it correctly to clear the blockages in your physical, emotional and mental body. Make sure that the vibration moves up from the base to the whole body and ends it on top of your head and out into the cosmic.
Not only it strengthens your immune system, it makes you look younger and also fortune will find it way to you. Good luck.

The Om sound which helps to open up 32 meridians to the crown chakra will help to open the space unlimited in your mind and enhance your wisdom.

The next mantra basic sound would be the 'AH' and the 'HUNG or HUM' sound. Using the same method of chanting the 'AH' sound by raising the vibration from the base chakra to the throat chakra, you can open the 16 meridians leading to the throat, You will find that you encounter less sickness and you will be become eloquent and you can speak and express more wisely; that means you will be become a good talker, a teacher who can propagate the dharma well and widely.

The Hung or Hum sound opens up 8 meridians to your heart chakra. When this is open up, you become compassion and have more loving-kindness . More joy and bliss will accompany you. You tend to be less dualistic when you look at things. You are more generous and helpful. In the case of having difficulties with someone or your boss in your company, if you send this Hung or Hum sound to them, and soon their attitude will change and will accept you more readily. This was taught to me by my master.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Secret #6 - 手如抽丝, 步如猫行

手如抽丝, 步如猫行

Today master chow many the above 8 words to take note of when practicing Taiji

The feeling of the hand is like drawing the silk out of the cocoon. Slow and smooth. Another feeling to describe it is "Swimming in the air". You will practice to a stage whereby you can feel the resistance of the air as your hand/fingers move through the air.

The gracefulness of the cat in motion, so sure of its step. The way to practice this is back to the basic "differentiate the substantial and the in-substantial" (虚实分明)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Secret #5 - Relax (松) after every step

While doing the kata, you will notice that when you complete each step, your hand is actually "floating" and the body stiff. It is important that you relax (松) so that your hand does not "float" and the body is not stiff. Relax (松) the "kua", shoulder, elbow, waist.

Doing this also helps to bring your awareness back to you.

As Master Chow had mentioned, his master and the grand master and the great-grand master always had one word during Taiji practice, that is -

Monday, March 5, 2012

Secret #4 - Free the mind

Another tips given out during the pushing hand session with Master Chow.

Our mind is easily drawn to the point of contact, whether the contact is direct or indirect. Once the mind is "trap" at the point, that point will become stiff, harden, stagnation and chi will not flow.

For example if your arm is grasp tightly and your mind is trap at the contact point of the grasp. Then most likely you are trying to twist your way out at the point. However if you free your mind, you will be able to relax and lead your mind to the shoulder, elbow, waist and lastly finger to turn your arm.

This is just an example, there are much more subtle usage but the idea is the same.
Free the mind.

Secret #3 - Natural human responses

During a pushing hand session with Master Chow on Sunday, he showed and mentioned the following.

Its is human nature that when we move to extreme, we will then move the opposite (Ying and Yang balancing each other). For example, if the attacker push with his right hand, the defender will yield till the right hand becomes "empty". At this point, attacker will (by nature) automatically move his left hand to counter balance the right hand. 

This is like reading your opponent's mind in advance, but its actually natural human responses.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Secret #2 - There must be a circle somewhere

Master Chow always mention that in Taiji, every posture and every movement there is/are circle(s).
So that note and assess your posture and movement. If you don't find circle(s), then likely your posture is not "so" correct.

Secret #1 - Sink in the back leg (虚实分明)

When doing the Tai Chi kata, it is very important to differentiate the substantial and the in-substantial clearly (虚实分明).

When moving (shifting weight) from leg to leg, there should be no change in height and minimum shifting of body forward or backward. The secret to this is to sink into the back leg and relax the hip-joint. This will automatically shift the weight to the front leg, without any shift in height.

When shifting backward, besides sinking the back leg, you have to imagine the back knee moving forward, which then allows for the front leg to retract back and straighten.

What I try to imagine is that the "weight" is shift at (or below) ground level to feet to feet. You should not shift the weight at upper body level as your chi will be floated up and you are not so rooted.

All these small and precise movement is to ensure that the force/chi is direct to where you want them to go without losing too much in the process of reaching there.

There is no secret.

As my master and alot of many masters before my master said, "There is no secret in Tai Chi".

It is just that whether the student

1) know how to applied the "secret" OR
2) know how to train to attain the "secret"

Many a times, what I see in Tai Chi is that, there is no standard training
methodology. A Tai Chi master may be able to execute a move and release the chi beautifully, and "easily", but could not properly translate it into words for the student.

This is and will always be the issue, as all internal art practices. Very person feels differently.
The only way is to trust in your master and TRAIN, TRAIN and TRAIN, and hope you get the right feeling one day.

That is why it is very important to have "do not expect any result" mentality while learning Taiji.
At the end of the day, you may not had learn Taiji, but through practicing Taiji, you had learn and earn a lot more and find yourself a better person.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fine Tuning - 37 steps Yang Style - 起势

Lesson on 30 Jan 2012

Master Chow again emphasized on the importance of the (Prof. Cheng Man-Ching) 37-steps Yang-style,
the very first step - 起势. 

Fast forward to the part whereby the legs had parted to shoulder width. (How the legs was parted was important but not cover in this fine tuning.)

Fine tuning points
- turn the should joints such that the palms are facing backwards and the thumbs touching the side of the body. This posture gives a natural curve to the arms.

- Sink the weight to the heels and relax the hip joint, as such a reaction force will raise the arms. Relax at the wrist so that the fingers are pointing down.

- With the arms raised, rotate the elbows to face downwards, without moving the wrist and fingers. I noticed that Master Chow while doing this, his shoulder is pushed back slightly.

- Relax the hip and shoulder, and sink at the elbow. As the elbow sinks, it will cause the wrist to "flip" up.

- In this position, imagine both hands (palms) is resting on a ball floating on water.

- Sink further and start to shift your weight forward, At the same time, relax the shoulder and feel the palms pushing the "ball" into the water. You should feel some resistance force there as you drop the hand. Another feeling is like your fingers moving through water. Relax the elbow, the wrist and the fingers to complete the full relaxation of the whole arm besides the body.

Practice, practice, practice

[杨式太极拳] 台湾郑曼青大师与其学生关于练拳、推手的对话录

 A posting I got from a friend on some comments by Prof. Cheng Man-Ching























(取自太极拳杂志四十五期  Mr.Rober W.Smith 原著  勇国本译)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Peng - Lu - Ji - An

  ( Peng - Lu - Ji - An )

Master Chow had devised a set for just practicing Peng - Lu - Ji - An.
The set will do Peng-Lu-Ji-An on both left and right side.

Special note given to us to take note during practice

1) The hand posture for Peng must be rounded. The Peng hand must be infront of the body
and not to the side.
2) Pump "腿" the leg at the end of the Peng
3) From Peng to Lu, when turning the waist, sink down on the back leg to turn the waist
4) During the Lu, when dropping one of the hand to the side, the forward hand must extend out
as a result of turning the waist
5) The Ji hand must end with a Peng jin
7) When transiting from Ji to An, sit back and sink the elbow to open out the hand. When shifting weight forward, both hand will be brought up automatically, be aware that the thumb is leading
the hand
8) When doing the An, sink the elbow, lead the chi to the fingers (1 by 1 from pinky to thumb),
and then opening of the "flower" at the center of the palm.

Practice, practice, practice

Thursday, January 12, 2012

17 pointers of Taiji


Not by me ... 

放鬆 - song(1) - relax

During taiji practice, master always say 放鬆, 放鬆 (to relax). 
I've never thought it is so difficult to relax. Human instinct is such that we will unconsciously tense up
in reaction to resistances and emotions.  
To relax is not to throw away (扔掉) or not to become lifeless. 

Two major area to relax is the shoulder () and the waist ().

To relax the shoulder, sink () the chi to the elbow (). Personally, I find that this is the easiest way to
relax the shoulder. Point to note is that you do not let the hand, especially the wrist and hand, go "lifeless".

To relax the waist, you have sink the hip-joint area (kua). This is tough. I've not fully gotten the feeling yet.
I tried to feel that the weight of the body flow through easily like flowing water, through the waist and to the
sole of the feet. When done correctly done, I can feel three contact points to the ground, two points from
the soles and one point from the tail-bone.

I tried to practice (放鬆) whenever I could. 
- be aware (mindful) whether my shoulder is tense or not, whether I am working on the laptop, eating, walking or even laying on the bed
- when walking or standing (waiting for transport), I'll relax my kua. When sitting down, I'll relax the
hip area and sink the weight to the tail-bone.

Practice, practice, practice

Monday, January 2, 2012

Stretching Exercise Set

This is one of the set of stretching exercise that Master Chow had taught us.

Even if you are not practicing Taiji, this set of exercise is very good for desk bound people with constant shoulder/neck problem.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Taiji (太極) - Lesson for Life

I've pick up Yang style Taiji (太極) in 2008, and is still learning as of today.
Current sifu is Master Chow.

I've decide to learn Taiji, out of curiosity what this art is all about. Is it something that old man/lady do for their morning exercise. Can some art as simple as a morning exercise survive for hundreds of years. There must be something to this art.

After attending the lessons for a couple of months and getting a better understanding (or less understanding because you release you know so little) of Taiji (太極), you will notice the wonder (tip of the iceberg) of the art. No words can describe the art, as you had to personally feel and expericence it, provided that you had a sifu that can show you the way. It is no wonder that that Taiji (太極) is translated directly as the "Grand Ultimate".

Unlike other art (external), Taiji (太極) is an internal art, which you must approach with perseverance more than determiniation (with determination comes expectation). Taiji (太極) is an art that you must practice without expectation. Taiji (太極) is not a quick result orientated art. If you are looking for result, pick a external art. Taiji (太極) reward the people who are hardworking and committed. Having said that, not even a handful of hardworking and committed Taiji (太極) practitioner can tell you what Taiji (太極) is.

I am glad that I had open the door to the wonderous world of  Taiji (太極) - Lesson for Life, and through this blog I hope to share what I had learn.